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O2. Learning design framework and scenarios

O2. Learning design framework and scenarios

A learning design framework is delivered, so that educators can create lesson plans/scenarios, using Mobile Augmented Reality Games to promote digital and civic competences to students. The framework is based on the instructional design for MARG that is found in the literature review, being for the first time when a framework for MARG includes guidelines towards development and cultivation of these specific competences. Furthermore, the framework can be used in the future as a guideline for developing MARG scenarios for fostering all key competences. Educators from the participating schools of the program have designed a total of 30 MARG scenarios that promote digital and civic competences in the context of sustainable development.

Analysis and Synthesis of Frameworks on Learning Design Frameworks and Guidelines of UMARG

Analysis and Synthesis of the Literature on Learning Design Frameworks and Guidelines of UMARG

Learning Scenario with UMARG - Template

UMARG - Rubric for evaluating the scenarios - template