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O4. Research study on MARG intervention

O4. Research study on MARG intervention

A research study on the implementation and evaluation of the teaching interventions was conducted against the learning objectives for the acquisition of the two envisaged basic competences. The intervention included the implementation in the teaching practice of the 4 participating schools (plus 3 additional schools) of the 30 learning scenarios and UMARG games that were created. Thus, 32 teachers taught 174 MARGs (combinations of the 30 MARGs developed in the project) to 36 classes and 680 students aged 10-13 years. Each school applied the games in subjects related to the context of sustainable development such as Geography, Science, Civic Education or as an interdisciplinary project.

The final report may be accessed here. Findings from intervention phase was published in proceedings of two international scientific conferences and more results follows to be published in scientific journals. The final report includes recommendations for research, policy and practice.

UMARG - IO4 - Transational Report