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MOOCs are online courses designed for a large number of participants, in which anyone can enrol. The courses are available for all, most of them without entrance prerequisites. MOOCs offer a complete online learning experience for free, while others offer the option to pay to obtain a verified certificate.

A MOOC has been created in UMARG. The training course for teachers presented in UMARG MOOC consists of 4 modules, all relevant to the project outcomes:

- First module: Fostering digital and civic competences in the context of sustainable development

- Second module: Introduction to AR technology

- Third module: Designing, developing and incorporating Mobile Augmented Reality Games in teachers’ activity to increase students’ digital and civic key competencies

- Fourth module: Designing learning scenarios for MARG

UMARG MOOC is open not only to educators from the participating countries, but also to anyone interested. It is available in English. The MOOC will stay online after the completion of project financing. The course provided by UMARG MOOC is free of charge. The course is designed for self-paced mode, which means that once activated, users can begin whenever they want and follow at their own pace - there will be no an established schedule.

Based on the completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate that they may download and print.

UMARG MOOC is included in the eTwinning European platform to achieve an even larger spread to European educators.

UMARG MOOC can be accessed at:

Enjoy the experience!